More questions in the week#7 iqdigest
Some sample questions from this week’s edition: Level a: Which is the only country to have an actual building on its flag? Level b: In Tibet, it is called Tsang Po, what is it...
Quiz Blog, Puzzle Blog and lots more
Some sample questions from this week’s edition: Level a: Which is the only country to have an actual building on its flag? Level b: In Tibet, it is called Tsang Po, what is it...
Some sample questions from this week’s edition: Level a: What is the part of the skeleton which protects our brain? Level b: Which part of the body is usually affected by a ‘cataract’? Level...
This week, we have more questions than usual for Level C. Also, try solving a very ‘special’ crossword. Some sample questions across levels. Level A:Â What is the place of worship of Jews called? Level...
I have started three weekly digests (according to different groups). Every Friday, a new set will be uploaded. Each digest will have multiple sections – direct questions, multiple choice questions, match the following, visuals...
Below are the “code based puzzles” which were part of the puzzle hunt which i organised. The Intro Puzzle 1: Str1 is “Delivery Innovation†2: Print “Enter your email id e.g.†3: Put...
kweezzz / puzzle / quiz / twitter
by Rajaram S · Published November 17, 2010 · Last modified November 30, 2010
I did a Cryptic Quiz through @kweezzz on Twitter. Given below are the questions. For answers, see the comments. This is a combination of a quiz question and a cryptic crossword kind of clue....
Nowadays, everyone seems to be on the Sudoku or the Kakuro bandwagon. Yes, they are fun and give immense satisfaction when you complete one, but it is the same thought process which goes into...